Does it smell clean? Then it smells of chemicals

The award of cleaning is not just the clean surfaces, but the smell: No one can miss the feeling of fresh and spotless. Or? The scents often stem from perfumes and strong chemicals which are not particularly healthy.
What is clean?
If we want to go to the bottom with this we could talk about three different degrees of cleanliness.
1) It is simply clean. Nice for the eye, dusted and vacuum-cleaned. It is tidy.
2) It is highly clean. Now we can eat from the floor, if we decide to - at least if we have not used too scary cleaning detergents.
3) It is disinfected, like when we need to kill bacteria in regards to stomach sickness. This is very seldom the usual cleaning at home.
Use the right detergents
The chemicals usually enter the scene when we aim for the degree of highly clean. Because now we rub and wipe, mop and polish - and often we make use of different detergents. Conventional cleaning products often contain a lot of substances which may cause allergic reactions or irritate the skin, eyes or respiratory organs. Some cleaning chemicals, i.e. dishwasher detergents, decalcification substances, drain cleaners and oven detergents, are so strong that they are acutely dangerous. Corrosive substances could, already at short term contact, cause serious damages to skin, eyes and mucous membrane.
Luckily, there are many different ways to clean more chemically clever! The easiest is to choose environmental labeled cleaning chemicals. If you do your purchases at a professional retailer: ask for advise about what is most effective! There are also lots of traditional tricks which you can test: bicarbonate, vinegar, salt, etc. Might be a bit more tricky before you learn the ways but in return you will contribute to reducing the load of hazardous substances for both your near and dear and nature.